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Frequently Asked Questions






How large a sluice is required? 

We recommend that you anticipate the greatest amount of people who would use it at the

same time and plan for 2 feet per person.  Example: if you think 12 people will use it at any given time, we recommend you purchase at least a 24’ sluice.  The 24’ sluice is our most popular size.




Can I put my sluice inside? 

Yes, we build sluices to go either indoors, outdoors, or on a trailer. 







A sluice usually takes approximately 3 weeks to build.  A deposit of 50% down is required to begin construction.  When you know when you would like yours, please do not wait until the spring time when we are in the midst of our busiest part of the season. 




Are sluices portable? 

Many customers have asked us to make sluices portable.  We can now put any size sluice on wheels.  There is an additional charge, but now wheeling your sluice around at an event is no problem




Who can we anticipate will use the sluice?

It is a great kid’s activity.  However, we find that once a child buys a bag, the parents tend to reach over their shoulder and pick into their kid’s screen.  When we see this, we recommend the parent buy their own bag. Our experience shows that there are families who have purchased as many as15 bags in one weekend.



Any other Questions?

Contact us today and we will do our best to answer any additional questions you might have.






If I order my sluice when can I expect it at my location?

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